Thu, 20 January 2022
In today's episode, we have a treat for you with not one, but two special guests. I'll be joined by two members of the RealLife English team to share with us some of the most common mistakes that Spanish and Portuguese learners make. Some of these common mistakes might even be common in other languages, so whether your native language is Spanish, Portuguese or another one, this is a must-listen episode for you!In today's episode, we have a treat for you with not one, but two special guests. I'll be joined by two members of the RealLife English team to share with us some of the most common mistakes that Spanish and Portuguese learners make. Some of these common mistakes might even be common in other languages, so whether your native language is Spanish, Portuguese or another one, this is a must-listen episode for you! ..........
Direct download: RLEP_269_Common_Mistakes_Spanish_and_Portuguese_Speakers_Make.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am -03 |